About Me

  • I hail from near Brighton in England. I live near Vancouver, Canada with my wonderful partner and a sweet little rescue cat.
  • I work as a Senior Content Specialist at Splunk, as part of the Education team running the Splunk Lantern website.
  • As well as writing in my day job, I also do a lot of creative writing. I’ve written poetry since I was a kid, and I’m now getting a little more long-form.
  • I’m Masters degree-qualified with an MA Professional Education & Training from University College London. I’m proud to have studied with UCL’s Institute of Education, who are ranked as the world number one institution for education and have done so for several years running. I wrote my dissertation on developing Communities of Practice in online environments.
  • I’m a keen skier and swimmer. I begrudgingly run. I also swim mermaid-style with a monofin.
  • I am distantly related to Rudyard Kipling. I have highly mixed feelings about sharing my family tree with a tremendously influential Nobel prize-winning author who was also a staunch defender of the British empire and a shameless racist.
  • I’m into all kinds of arts, crafts and homely things. Things I enjoy doing include sewing, block printing, baking, dying fabric, crocheting, winemaking, caring for too many houseplants, fermenting things, cooking, knitting, gardening, pickling vegetables, leathercraft, and more.

Thank you for your interest in me and my site! You can contact me through my contact form, LinkedIn, or Instagram.